According to the Future Business Insights report, the DevOps market size will reach $14.96 billion by 2026, which has an annual growth rate of 19.1%. This will be a significant increase from 2019 to $3.6 billion!

What are some tools that lead to DevOps growth?

  1. Platform-as-a- service (PaaS)

Platform-as-a-service, to put it simple, provides a platform that consists of operating systems, databases, servers, middleware, etc. Some of the examples would be: AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Windows Azure, Heroku,, Google App Engine, Apache Stratos.

PaaS provides a more efficient and cost-effective option for running a software service. For example,

If someone wants to deploy on both cloud and on-premise machine, they can use PaaS to write the code without changing the source code!

  • Containerisation

Containerisation is the process of packaging an application with its required libraries, frameworks, and configuration files together so that it can be run in various computing environments efficiently.

It makes it easy to automate the deployment of all these applications as there is no custom configuration of the machine, everything is running in the container (test cases, deployment, running the applications)!

It gives a chance to have cleaner taste cases, cleaner way of creating a test system and you can afford to create multiple test systems that that with time become closer representations of your production environment!

  • Hybrid cloud

Hybrid cloud, a computing environment that combines a public cloud and a private cloud by allowing data and applications to be shared between them, is playing an important role in DevOps growth.

Many software providers now offer hybrid clouds equipped with DevOps as it allows for companies to run programs both on-premise and cloud.

DevOps market now

These tools are said to increase the DevOps market growth each in their own way. As Iā€™m based in Ireland, I am especially focused on DevOps market growth in Europe.

According to the Future Business Insight Report, Europe has seen growth through the deployment of software solutions in the Financial Industry (banks), which resulted in a 25% increase in the efficiency of online banking.

Example of leaders on the market

A perfect example of a powerful DevOps-focused company in Ireland is SentryOne, a tech company that enables data professionals to monitor, diagnose, and optimize server performance across physical, virtual, and cloud environments. Their product SentryOne Cloud ensures the continuous delivery of accurate data to your stakeholders and end usersā€”with easy access, ease of use, and continuous updates.

Another great example is how in July 2019, IBM and DBmaestro, a SaaS company with headquarters near Boston, and development in Israel which enables Agile development and Continuous Integration and Delivery for the Databases, collaborated to produce database automation capabilities for optimizing DevOps environments for consumers worldwide. This product will greatly change the way companies use their databases and speed things up in terms of finding relevant information in the database.

To conclude, DevOps is becoming an irreplaceable part of software companies around the world, with the automation of tasks being one of the top priorities for software development teams. Containerisation, Hybrid Cloud and PaaS are some of the very useful tools to automate those tasks and create a positive growth of the DevOps market. Iā€™m looking forward to seeing how the DevOps market will develop over time.

Senior SaaS Tech Recruiter at Ingenio

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